Santa Cruz- cool automater jag aldrig sett förut |
Kylee and I at the boardwalk |
Donna and Kylee |
Santa Cruz Boardwalk |
Mystery Spot |
Helt crazyyyy |
Pinnacles |
Anne in the Pinnacles |
In a cave! |
Anne was tired on the top. So much going up! |
California Condors |
Back at the vans, kind of exhausted!! |
Love love love the Pinnacles |
Anne and I at the top |
the group |
Yesterday was AMAZING!!! We left around 9 and drove to the Pinnacles National Monument (a National Park I think). In the beginning we hiked through a cave; we had to crawl at certain spots and it was pitch dark!! Also really wet and slippery inside. Amazing! We hiked for a long time in a really flat area, then we ate lunch and continued on. That was when the best part began! We hiked through some more caves and then we started going up for a loooong time! We got really tired, but it was so beautiful! It is like one of those places you always see on pictures or in movies; but you don't think they really exist. We were amazed by it. A really good experience! We weren't a big group; it was me, 3 teachers (2 of them were my XCcoaches), 3 Germans, 2 Asians and 2 Americans. Anne is my German friend, she is the best! :) Overall we hiked 10 miles, which is 16 km. It took around 6 hours including lunch, because it was a lot of uphill. We also saw two California Condors which is really rare!
When I got back home around 6, I fell asleep right away. Ate dinner, watched some tv and then I fell asleep again. Exhausting!!
Today is the big day, Superbowl!!! I am going over to a friend's house together with some boarders from school from the Christian Pirate Club which I think will be fun! Don't really know that much about football, but go 49ers!!
WoW, amazing pictures!
SvaraRaderaSeems to be a very beautiful area and you where lucky with the weather as well. Nice!
Alltså första bilden, GULLE!! <3 men hur går det med svenskan egentligen? blir ju lite orolig